The day…

Posted on March 19, 2008

It’s just a few days away…Easter. One of the biggest…no. Scratch that. The biggest day of celebration for any Christian, for any church. It’s the time of the year when pretty much anyone will give church a chance. If you’re part of a church, don’t let this opportunity pass by. There’s someone in your life that needs to hear about Jesus. And you are the one they’ll hear it from. Invite them to church.

If you aren’t part of a  church, I encourage you to check it out. You may have doubts. We all do. But do what you need to do to put those doubts to rest.

And if you are a pastor, know that people everywhere are praying for you. We’re praying for you. This is going to be a difficult week. I know. You’ll fight with your spouse, your kids will act up and traffic will be horrible. (Did they really need to start the construction project this week?!)

Recognize those things for what they are. Attacks. But don’t let those things keep you from what God has called you to do this week. Because remember, this Sunday is the day….

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