It's Time to Land the Jet!

Posted on October 1, 2011

Men – it’s time to commit and land the jet! Let me hear from you about how you’re committed, where you’re committed and who you’re committed to!


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One time Lisa and I were on a flight leaving Las Vegas and after we took off, the pilot said,

“You know what?  We’ve gotta turn around and land because we’ve had the central hydraulic system to fail.”  And of course, everyone was real quiet in the cabin and you start thinking about whoa.. is this it?  Is this it?  And we circled the airport it seemed like hours but it was only 15 minutes.  And I kept saying,

“Man, this guy’s gotta land the jet.  The jet has got to land.  He’s gotta land the jet.”  And finally after circling he landed the jet.  There were fire trucks and everything out there.  We emerged off the jet, free, unharmed, unscathed.  What was so funny was several hours later we took another flight back to Dallas and as we were about midway from Las Vegas to Dallas a fight broke out on the plane. It was just a crazy, crazy time. 

Here’s what I want you to think about, guys.  I’m at the Men’s Conference.  It’s time for us to land the jet.  Because let’s face it, we move around like jets.  Here, there, and yonder.  We’re going, we’re moving, we’re grooving.  It’s time, though, to land the jet.  To be committed to God, committed to your spouse, committed to family, and committed to the house.  I want to hear from you!  Because you want to commit, and I know you do, but  I want to hear from you because when you write out and type out your commitment, when you answer my question on this blog, I’m telling you, it’ll help your commitment.  To reveal it, to go on record.  So it’s time to land the jet!  Let me hear from you.  I’m committed.  I’m going on my blog and telling you.  Are you committed?

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