One Prayer

Posted on April 14, 2008

Over the past several days, we’ve all been dealt a serious dose of reality. And one thing that has helped me stay tethered to hope is prayer.

But not only is prayer something that has helped us through the last week, it’s also the topic of a revolutionary movement our church and many other churches will experience this summer through One Prayer.

Everyone is talking these days about video venues. That’s the buzz around the nation and the world. In reality, though, this “new school” of thought is really old school; as old as the early church.

As you read about the emerging church in the New Testament, so often one of the speakers, for example Simon Peter or the Apostle Paul, would speak and various other people would record what they were saying; they would “download” their messages. Then, they would circulate these sermons throughout the area and the world.

This summer, we’re taking a page from the New Testament and bringing it to 2008. Our churches have an opportunity to go back several thousand years and experience the teaching of some phenomenal leaders, including Craig Groeschel, Jentzen Franklin and Perry Noble. And I’m thrilled just to be a part of this unity in diversity.

This really will be a picture of the body of Christ coming together and learning from a kaleidoscopic range of speakers. And as we download the timeless truths found in these messages, I’m confident that so many people will discover another level of living!

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